Your donation changes lives. There are no administrative costs charged to the charity - every cent goes into the hands of hard working people dealing with a difficult situation or medical emergency. See Financial Statements.
Since it's beginnings in 1999, H.O.M.E. has touched many people. The charity has supported families whose innocent children are valiantly battling cancer. H.O.M.E. has donated money to families who have lost their primary wage earners due to medical illnesses, and H.O.M.E. has financially assisted elderly individuals, who were not eligible for Medicare, afford much-needed surgeries. These special opportunities would not be possible without your generous donations. Thank you for your continued support.
Letters of Thanks
Dear H.O.M.E.,
Nathan and I would like to thank H.O.M.E. for your help in this difficult time. You are a blessing to us and we appreciate it very much. I cannot express in words how much I appreciate your assistance to help my son. May God richly bless you all in return for your generosity and kindness.
Alice and Nathan
Dear Board of Directors,
You wouldn't believe how incredible the timing of your generous donation came to us... we got H.O.M.E.'s check the very week we received two medical bills that came to $600.00 due to Scripps Clinic and $661.00 to a nutritionist whom I got extensive blood work, consultation & supplements to protect my organs from chemo treatments- it was unbelievable. God blessed us through your charity. That's an awesome blessing. We will look forward to giving back in one form or another in the future!
Thank you,
Dear H.O.M.E.,
Thank you for the generous monetary love gift. What a blessing your organization is to families going through hard times due to catastrophic illnesses. There are many stresses when dealing with this type of situation- diagnoses, treatment options and rigorous ongoing daily care for your loved one on top of the concerns of daily life-bills, schedules, siblings and their daily needs, family schedule, etc. Your organization has a real ministry in reaching out to relieve pressure to families in overwhelming situations. God bless you and thank you again for your kindness.
Love in Christ,
Todd, Rachel, Raylene, & Chet
(Chet, 11 years old, was diagnosed with a recurrent brain tumor in December of 2000).
Financial Statements
Select year to view financial statements:
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |
H.O.M.E Investments